Lets Learn Animination
Goodevening Ladies and Gentle men,
I want to
use this blog to educate us on how to do a simple animation with Corel R.A.V.E.
Tutorials on Corel R.A.V.E. and User Resources
What is Corel R.A.V.E.:
R.A.V.E. (Real Animated Vector Effects) a vector-based animation application that
comes as part of the CorelDRAW Graphics Suite (starting in version 10). It has
the ability of creating interactive object-based animations and movies for the
Web. Your movies can be exported as Macromedia Flash (SWF), GIF animations, AVI
movies for Windows, and QuickTime formats. Here you'll find tutorials and
information on working with Corel RAVE.
In this
tutorial I will try to explain myself in details with images (Possibly)
Lest I
forget call me “Moorch Moore”